Excerpts taken from

Chiropractic Economics March/April 1998

“Flushing money down the toilet”. Help your family, friends and relatives put a stop to it – by reading the following magazine article.

Please consider: If “Liquid Vitamins” are a good health and smart business decision for Chiropractic Doctors…shouldn’t others also be open-minded and take a closer look?

Liquid Vitamins The Wave of the Future

My views on nutrition changed one day a few years ago when a patient came in and told me that she was having her septic tank repaired. She told me what was causing the blockage-hundreds of undigested vitamin pills, some of them with the brand names still readable. After hearing this disturbing news, I did some research of my own. I found in Tacoma Washington, 250,000 pounds of undigested vitamin and mineral pills are pulled out the sewers every six weeks. In Salt Lake City, over 1560 gallons of vitamin and mineral pills how up in their filters every month. The reason is due to the high metallic content of these pills. Metallic minerals like oyster shells, carbonate, oxides and dolomites have the consistency of crushed up rocks, which our bodies were not designed to digest. Even those pills listed as “all natural” often have added fillers and coatings that inhibit absorption. The Physician’s Desk Reference (page 1542) shows that vitamins and minerals in pill form are only 10 to 20% absorbed by the body. That means for every $100 you are spending on nutrients, you are literally flushing about 90% of it down the toilet. Because of this lack of absorption, companies must use mega doses of nutrients and this can cause a taxation on the kidneys. According to the National Advisory Board, 100 mg consumed in a tablet form translates into a minute stabilized 8.3mg concentration in the blood. Upon realizing nutrients in pill form leave much to be desired, I started to eliminate them from my inventory and started exclusively selling a liquid nutrient. I admit figuring out just which supplements to carry in your office can often be a task. For example, if you recommend calcium to your patients they must also take magnesium. Then for magnesium and calcium to properly absorb they also need boron. In order for all of these to properly assimilate, amino acids are required. Studies show vitamin E is very helpful in preventing heart disease, but current research shows to maintain normal blood concentrations of vitamin E, your patients must take zinc. However, if they take zinc, a proper balance of copper and vitamin C is essential.

After taking over 20 different nutrients myself and recommending a giant handful per day to my patients, I knew there had to be a better way.

Nutritional drinks and oral sprays offer a 98% absorption rate because they bypass the digestive process and go directly into the blood stream and into the cells within a matter of minutes. In fact, tests from Massachusetts’s General hospital have shown higher blood concentrations of insulin by oral liquid application. Even injections will take the insulin 30 minutes longer to reach the same blood levels. Not only are liquid nutrients more convenient, they also allow those

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with irritable bowel syndrome, hiatila hernias and diverticullitus to take nutrients that may have irritated them in a pill or capsule form.

I was impressed with oral sprays, but I find them very hard to sell with a price ranging from $19 to $36 for just one vitamin, and each is sold separately. I researched virtually every liquid nutrient on the market and only recommend drinks that derive their nutrients from organic sea vegetation. Sea vegetables have tremendous nutritional value for human consumption and are quickly finding their way into the marketplace.

Our bodies consist of approximately 70% water. Not ordinary water, but salt water. The human body contains the same salts that exist in the ocean in almost the exact proportions. Both the ocean water and the water within us contains 80% sodium, 4% calcium, 4% potassium and 12% sulfur. Unlike minerals from the ground, nutrients from the sea re recognized by our cell receptors and are allowed access into our cells. Sea vegetation offers ionic minerals, which experts consider to be assimilated better than any other form. Because sea vegetables are from the ocean, they form a great matrix when suspended in a liquid product and they don’t settle to the bottom.

I have sold many nutritional products in my office over the past nine years. In one month, I heard more positive testimonies from patients taking their nutrition from a liquid source than all the nutrients I have ever sold combined! I cannot keep the product stocked and often have people sitting in my waiting room waiting for the UPS to deliver more bottles. I never saw this type of response when I sold tablets, capsules or pills. I feel liquid nutrients are like a computer and pills are like a typewriter. Once someone types a letter on the computer and sees how superior it is, they never want to touch a typewriter again.

Another effective way to marketing is to utilize testimonial letters from other people who have used the product. Many chiropractors put together a book containing testimonies from patients who have benefited from chiropractic care. Yesterday I got a referral because a woman read a testimony from a person whose headaches were alleviated under my care and she set up an appointment for her sister who has been suffering with migraines.

Promoting nutritional products is complimentary to chiropractic care. Patients are in your office because they have chose to go the natural health route. The time for you to add liquid nutrients to your practice is now. They are cost efficient, much more convenient and more absorbable by the cells of our body. There is an old saying, “you are what you eat.” I tend to disagree with that statement, I believe: You are what you absorb. David Friedman, D.C. N.D. a Life College graduate, is a noted educator and lecturer on nutrition. He is a former teacher of neurology and author of the textbook Understanding the Nervous System. He is a certified Doctor of Naturopathy and a board qualified chiropractic neurologist.

Do you know the top-selling pill?

The best selling pill last year wasn’t Prozac or Ritalin. It wasn’t even aspirin. The number one pills purchased last year in America where the Centrum and Theragram M multivitamins. Americans are more health conscious now than ever before. Due to their fast paced lives, they

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don’t want to be bothered with taking a handful of pills; they only want to take one pill. This is why the multivitamin industry has become a billion-dollar business. The news about low absorption rate is spreading fast and even Centrum has just released a multivitamin in liquid form. Nutrients in liquid from will, within the next five years, revolutionize the entire nutritional market. The news has also caused a rise in the manufacture of oral colloidal mineral solutions. Some of these are mined from deposits from caves and underground rocks. Before you consider these you should know that after conducting extensive lab analysis, the American Institute of Biosocial Research found large traces of inorganic aluminum show up in these colloidal drinks. Also, to break loose these clay deposits, caustic soda or ammonia is often used. This residue is showing up in mineral drinks. I therefore, do not recommend this type of liquid drinks.

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